Project Presentation

The aging population is one of the most significant changes we are experiencing in European societies, and represents today a very important issue for social policies, for families, government and community. Therefore, in a context of rapid changes, it becomes imperative to develop innovative ways to connect the two poles of the scale – youth and seniors.
This project focuses on rural areas, because these areas “lose” the younger generation more rapidly than urban areas, this is the main conclusion of the Eurostat report published in June 2010.
It is noted that only five countries in the European Union (27 member states) have percentages of elderly people (living in rural areas) above 20%. Portugal is one of those countries, along with Italy, Greece, France and Spain (source:
Thus, the project aims to make the bridge between youth and seniors in a rural context, in contact with nature and with the daily life of the field.

Exercise Active Citizenship, knowing a local reality that reflects a reality in Europe – the growing aging population and its consequences.
Therefore, this project essentially intends to challenge young people to…
Discover - Debate - Reflect - Propose - Innovate

The origin of this project is due to a growing concern to promote intergenerational dialogue today in an innovative way to ensure a better social cohesion in the future.
According to a Eurobarometer survey conducted in 1998, citizens of the European Union consider that the elderly do not understand the changes in society, do not understand young people, making their active participation impossible.
Thus, the project “Youth Challenging Aging” intends to launch a challenge “from youth to youth” to promote dialogue between generations and particularly to break the barriers of prejudice and discrimination based on age.

ü  Foster intergenerational and intercultural dialogue by debate and raising awareness among young people about discrimination based on age (gerontofobia, stereotypes and myths), but also desertification of territories and ways to connect different generations;
ü  Raising awareness among young people about the consequences of an aging population through the contact with rural everyday life and senior, to strengthen the sense of European citizenship;
ü  To promote solidarity between generations, in a rural context through the exchange of traditions, communication and interaction.

The working methods will be very dynamic and interactive. The participants will be invited to participate with seniors in rural daily life, for example, the youngsters will have the opportunity to experience the daily routine of a farm.
Non-formal education methods will be mainly used. For this, we will use some techniques of the Active Method such as: debate, group discussion, group work, brainstorming, visits and games.
We also added the Participatory Method that allows a real participation in the process. In the participatory approach is given importance to the knowledge and experience of participants, involving them through techniques of group dynamics, games, among others, so participants can work in concrete situations.